Hellpoint breach map

I just finished playing Hellpoint, an indie soulslike which was surprisingly really good. It has a very deeply interconnected world which I loved exploring, but some areas are kinda confusing to navigate and I quickly realized I needed a map and the ones that were available online were… less than satisfactory. So I made one with Graphviz.

I did explore the game thoroughly but I didn’t manage to get the true ending due to a bug with an involved NPC, so it might be missing some things or not be entirely accurate (for example some of the edges between the areas are actually one-way, but I didn’t want to rewrite it into a digraph), but if you wanna know how to get to a specific breach you might find it useful.

Hellpoint breach map
Hellpoint breach map
graph "Hellpoint breach map" {
  subgraph cluster_Arcology {
    label = "Arcology";

    // Breaches
    Funicular [shape = diamond];
    "Customs Bridge" [shape = diamond];
    "Celestial Workshop" [shape = diamond];
    "West Square" [shape = diamond];
    "Condo Ruins" [shape = diamond];
    // Lifts
    subgraph cluster_lift0 {
      label = "Lift";
      l0f1 -- l0f2;
      l0f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l0f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    subgraph cluster_lift1 {
      label = "Lift";
      l1f1 -- l1f2 -- l1f3;
      l1f3 [label = "Floor 3", shape = none];
      l1f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l1f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    // Links
    l0f1 -- Funicular -- "Customs Bridge";
    "Customs Bridge" -- l1f2 -- "Celestial Workshop";
    "Cosmic theurgist" -- "Celestial Workshop";
    "Eye codes" -- l1f3;
    "Customs Bridge" -- "West Square";
    "West Square" -- "Condo Ruins";
  subgraph "cluster_Alma Mater Atrium" {
    label = "Alma Mater Atrium";

    // Breaches
    "Otsego Mansion" [shape = diamond];
    "Shanty Entrance" [shape = diamond];
    "Western Skybridge" [shape = diamond];
    "Tenements" [shape = diamond];
    "Union Park" [shape = diamond];
    "Athaneum" [shape = diamond];
    "Cabaret Cellar" [shape = diamond];

    // Lifts
    subgraph cluster_lift3 {
      label = "Lift";
      l3f1 -- l3f2 -- l3f3;
      l3f3 [label = "Floor 3", shape = none];
      l3f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l3f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    subgraph cluster_lift6 {
      label = "Lift";
      l6f2 -- l6f1;
      l6f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l6f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    subgraph cluster_Lift9 {
      label = "Lift";
      l9f1 -- l9f2 -- l9f3;
      l9f3 [label = "Floor 3", shape = none];
      l9f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l9f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    // Links
    l3f3 -- "Shanty Entrance" -- "Western Skybridge";
    l3f2 -- "Otsego Mansion";
    l6f2 -- "Tenements";
    l6f1 -- "Union Park";
    l9f2 -- "Otsego Mansion";
    l9f2 -- "Cabaret Cellar";
    "Union Park" -- "Otsego Mansion";
    "Union Park" -- "Athaneum";

  subgraph cluster_lift2 {
    label = "Lift";
    l2f1 -- l2f2;
    l2f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
    l2f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

  subgraph "cluster_Arcology Underside" {
    label = "Arcology Underside";

    // Breaches
    "Central Mall" [shape = diamond];
    "SAS" [shape = diamond];
    "Outside Platform" [shape = diamond];

    // Lifts
    subgraph cluster_lift7 {
      label = "Lift";
      l7f1 -- l7f2;
      l7f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l7f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    "Central Mall" -- l7f2;
    l7f1 -- "SAS"
    "SAS" -- "Outside Platform";

  subgraph "cluster_Alma Mater" {
    label = "Alma Mater";

    // Breaches
    "Belvedere" [shape = diamond];
    "Offices" [shape = diamond];
    "Lobby" [shape = diamond];
    "Uthos's Agora" [shape = diamond];

    // Lifts
    subgraph cluster_lift4 {
      label = "Lift";
      l4f1 -- l4f2;
      l4f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l4f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    subgraph cluster_lift5 {
      label = "Lift";
      l5f1 -- l5f2;
      l5f2 [label = "Floor 2", shape = none];
      l5f1 [label = "Floor 1", shape = none];

    // Links
    l4f1 -- "Belvedere";
    "Offices" -- "Belvedere";
    l4f2 -- "Uthos's Agora";
    l5f2 -- "Offices";
    l5f1 -- "Lobby";
  subgraph "cluster_Sohn District" {
    label = "Sohn District";
    // Breaches
    "Corpse Pit" [shape = diamond];
    "Balcony" [shape = diamond]
    "Control Center" [shape = diamond];
    // Links
    "Corpse Pit" -- "Control Center";
    "Corpse Pit" -- "Balcony" -- "Control Center"
  subgraph "cluster_Port Issoudun" {
    label = "Port Issoudun";
    // Breaches
    "Docking Bay" [shape = diamond];
    "Silos" [shape = diamond];
    "Ozy's Pit" [shape = diamond];

    // Links
    "Docking Bay" -- "Silos";
    "Silos" -- "Ozy's Pit";
  subgraph cluster_Observatory {
    label = "Observatory";

    // Braches
    "Podium" [shape = diamond];
  subgraph cluster_Embassy {
    label = "Embassy";

    // Breaches
    "Great Halls" [shape = diamond];
    "Pond" [shape = diamond];
    "Admission" [shape = diamond];

    j0 [shape = point];

    // Links
    "Great Halls" -- j0 -- "Pond";
    "Great Halls" -- "Admission";
  subgraph "cluster_Arisen Dominion" {
    label = "Arisen Dominion";

    // Breaches
    "Solar Promenade" [shape = diamond];
    "Hall of Remembrance" [shape = diamond];
    "Grand Gallery" [shape = diamond];
    "Tram Station" [shape = diamond];
    "Mine Mausoleum" [shape = diamond];
    "Undisturbed Defas Nemundis" [shape = diamond];

    // Lifts
    subgraph cluster_lift8 {
      label = "Lift";
      l8f1 -- l8f2 -- l8f3 -- l8f4;
      l8f4 [label = "Ministry Audience Chamber", shape = none];
      l8f3 [label = "Grand Gallery", shape = none];
      l8f2 [label = "Promenade", shape = none];
      l8f1 [label = "Mausoleum", shape = none];

    // Links
    "Solar Promenade" -- "Hall of Remembrance" -- "Grand Gallery";
    "Tram Station" -- "Grand Gallery";
    "Grand Gallery" -- l8f3;
    "Mine Mausoleum" -- l8f1;
    l8f4 -- "Undisturbed Defas Nemundis";

  subgraph "cluster_Ikari Walkways" {
    label = "Ikari Walkways";

    // Breaches
    "East Square" [shape = diamond];
    "Crashed Tram" [shape = diamond];
    "Underail" [shape = diamond];

    // Links
    "East Square" -- "Crashed Tram" -- "Underail";

  j0 -- "Solar Promenade";

  "Customs Bridge" -- "East Square";

  "Tenements" -- "Tram Station";

  l2f1 -- "Central Mall";
  l2f2 -- "Otsego Mansion";
  l3f1 -- "Central Mall";
  "Otsego Mansion" -- "Celestial Workshop";

  "Western Skybridge" -- l4f1;

  "Offices" -- "Tenements";
  "Lobby" -- "Otsego Mansion";
  "Podium" -- "Great Halls";
  "Podium" -- "Docking Bay";
  "Podium" -- l0f2;
  "Podium" -- "Outside Platform";
  "Control Center" -- "Docking Bay";
  "Control Center" -- l1f1;
  "Condo Ruins" -- "Corpse Pit";

  "Underail" -- "Central Mall";
  "Underail" -- l9f2;
  "Underail" -- "Cabaret Cellar";
  "Ozy's Pit" -- "Pond";